Berlin, March 28, 2023 – The Indonesian Students Association in Germany (PPI Jerman or Vereinigung Indonesischer Studenten e.V.) held a successful Ngabuburit event with Rocky Gerung last March at Restaurant Nusantara Berlin. Rocky Gerung is an Indonesian philosopher, academic and intellectual. The event was a casual scientific seminar. The main topic of the seminar was Democracy and Indonesia 2045, which was open and limited to 40 students and workers who were very enthusiastic to ask questions and discuss together.

Rocky Gerung was invited from Indonesia to share his aspirations about the demographic dividend and the importance of young people’s role in creating it in 2045. “Instead of glorifying the demographic bonus without doing anything, we should try to get the demographic dividend later,” Rocky told the participants. The demographic dividend describes the positive effect that population growth can have on the overall economy. After hearing Rocky’s brief aspirations, a Q&A session and discussion was held, moderated by Reza Syihabuddin Khasbullah, the President of the Indonesian Students Association in Germany 2021/2022. The discussion covered many things, from the beginning of democracy in Indonesia to how the Indonesian diaspora in Germany can contribute to the progress of the nation.

The event was then closed with breaking the fast together, hospitality, and group photos. Dimas Fakhri Arsaputra, the President of the Indonesian Students Association in Germany 2022/2023, gave closing remarks while giving a memento of gratitude to Rocky Gerung in the form of a typical glass of Bayern, a state in southern Germany. The event participants went home with a new spirit to fight for the vision of Indonesia 2045 that was discussed together. This event is proof that many Indonesian diaspora in Germany continue to care about the progress of democracy in Indonesia and the openness of Indonesian students in Germany to ideas through public discussions for the nation and state.