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[ENG] HI – Talks: G20, What’s Next?

Indonesia’s role as the presidency holder of the G20 forum in 2022 with the theme recover together, recover stronger and raise priority issues, such as global health, energy transition, and digital transformation, has an essential role in creating and realizing actual collaborative actions between G20 countries. This action is proven by the “Bali Declaration” agreement and several actions with recommendations contained therein. Two of them are the launch of the Pandemic Fund (in the health sector) and digital transformation. Through its Department of International Relations, the Indonesian Student Association in Germany (PPI Germany) is aware of the vital essence of Indonesia’s success in this year’s G20 presidency. Therefore, the International Relations Department (PPI Germany) cooperates with Indonesian Youth Diplomacy and partners with:

  1. The Mataram University Medical Education Student Association, 
  2. The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, 
  3. The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University
  4. The Center of Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities of Sebelas Maret University

Want to participate in sharing the results of the G20 forum agreement with the broader community, especially to Indonesian students through webinar activities and HI-Talks sharing sessions: G-20, What’s next? with the theme “Pandemic Fund and Digital Transformation: Concrete Steps to Prevent a Pandemic,” which was held on Saturday, January 14, 2023.

Pandemic Fund by Kemala Fabrian

HI-Talks is held with a combination of webinars and sharing session concepts. The event started with an opening and remarks by Agnia Dewi Larasati as Deputy Chairperson I of PPI Germany. It continued with the presentation of material by the two speakers, who were guided by the moderator. The first material was delivered by Ms. Kemala Fabrian, as Global Affairs Coordinator and Regional Manager of Southeast Asia GISAID, discussing the system and development of the Pandemic Fund. The material was then continued by Mr. Michael Victor Sianipar as Chair of Indonesian Youth Diplomacy with material on youth involvement in Y20 forum diplomacy on issues of digital transformation, especially challenges, obstacles, and youth’s contributions in it. During the material presentation session, participants actively delivered relevant questions related to the topics presented. Towards the end of the event, participants were invited to play exciting games containing questions about the G20 forum and relevant topics that the speakers presented.

Digital Transformation by Michael Victor Sianipar

By holding this event, participants received information and education regarding the Y20 and G20 forums, especially the success of Indonesia’s role as the G20 presidency in 2022, as well as several examples of agreements that involve youth in it. In addition, this event is also a collaboration between students in Indonesia and Germany to understand and criticize Global and Indonesian issues. With the collaboration and participation of all parties in this event, it is hoped that it will become a gateway for future collaboration as well as a form of contribution and the role of students to Indonesia wherever we are.