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Bearing the World of Overworking Culture

Ditulis oleh Victoria Utomo | Mahasiswa Master Industrial Engineering Fachochschule Münster

In this fast-paced world, where everything moves as swiftly as time itself, competitiveness drives people to work harder in pursuit of more.  We witness people overworking, and in turn, we become overworked ourselves. We feel guilty and exhausted, even when we desperately need rest. Others perceive us in the same way, yet they too feel guilty, so they continue working. It becomes a never-ending cycle, a vicious trap of life.

The truth is that overworking may look good on paper. When we examine our LinkedIn profiles and CVs, we see a long list of accomplishments, and we feel a sense of pride. But as we reflect upon those things, we question the sacrifices we have made to achieve these things. When I reminisce about my life, the most vibrant moments are the ones spent with friends, embarking on crazy adventures across France, meeting new and eccentric individuals. It is in these moments of love, hate, and sadness that life truly comes alive.

Someone once asked me, “Why do you rush through life? Why miss out on those beautiful moments that pass you by?” It saddens me to witness the hustle and overworking culture and to be a part of it. Graduating faster, securing a job, and obtaining promotions may initially bring satisfaction, but to what extent? Yes, they can provide numerous opportunities, but the moments I cherish the most are those spent hanging out with friends in the library or in a small dorm room, contemplating what life could be like. Those are the precious times. I am still stuck in this overworking culture, constantly feeling that what I have done is never enough. So, I have tried and tried to change my mindset.

Instead of perpetually rushing towards the next big thing, the next milestone in my life, I want to relish the moments within each step. I am now focused on maximizing my life. Rather than always running and chasing after the next significant achievement, I have chosen to slow down and take in my surroundings. For students, strive to be the best student you can be. Attend student symposiums, write papers, embark on internships. This phase of being a student in your early twenties is fleeting, and there is no turning back. If you are in a romantic relationship, savor the days of being single before entering married life. If you are a son or daughter, cherish your current role because it won’t last forever.

Of course, it is crucial to balance the present with future prospects. This does not mean you should slack off as a student and waste opportunities by sleeping excessively. I once questioned why I had such a strong desire to finish school quickly, secure a good job, and reach my dreams at an accelerated pace. I must admit that much of it stems from external validation. While there are genuine motivations within myself, I also want to prove to the world that I can do it, that I am a workaholic, and that I am productive. But does it truly bring me happiness? At first, perhaps, but in the long run, it falls short. Instead of solely focusing on external achievements, I strive to find a balance between personal fulfillment and societal expectations.

Motto Penulis: big hearth, big smiles

Sumber foto: Penulis