FRANKFURT, July 2, 2023 – On July 2, 2023 8 branches of PPI Jerman (PPI Aachen, PPI Bonn, PPI Duisburg-Essen, PPI Frada, PPI Franken, PPI Munich, PPI Münster, PPI Stuttgart) located in the working area of the Indonesian Consulate General in Frankfurt held a meeting organized by the Department of Organization and Management (Departemen Keorganisasian dan Kepengurusan) of PPI Jerman called the Temu PPI. This meeting is intended to strengthen friendship, establish cooperation and form a harmonious relationship between PPI Jerman and its branches and also the Indonesian Consulate General in Frankfurt.

In regards to the end of Mr. Acep Soemantri’s duties as Consulate General at the Consulate General in Frankfurt, PPI Jerman and the 11 PPI Branches that participated in this event thanked him by giving a few words and souvenirs for the support he always gave to PPI Jerman and its branches.

In addition, PPI Jerman together with PPI Bonn’s President M. Nur Ar Royyan Mas also held the inauguration of the merger between PPI Bonn and Cologne. The inauguration was also signed by the Consulate General Mr. Acep Soemantri, President of PPI Jerman Dimas Fakhri Arsaputra, Head of the Department of Organization and Management of PPI Jerman Syauqi Iqbal and President of PPI Bonn M. Nur Ar Royyan Mas.